

Navachethana Wellness Foundation (NWF) is focusing mainly on health and wellness. We have well trained doctors and therapists who give awareness about ancient and traditional drugless therapy, herbal treatment for related health issues.

Traditional medicine refers to health practices, approaches knowledge and benefits incorporating plant and mineral based medicines, spiritual therapies, manual techniques and exercises, applied singularly or in combination to treat, diagnose and prevent illnesses or maintain well being. In the last decade traditional medicine has become very popular. In olden days before modern medicines, we were leading healthy life style and long life span.

In long term health issues for old age cases, handicaps, mentally and physically disabled persons and we have herbal treatment services, ayurveda, panchakarma - well trained doctors providing services to underprivileged/ poor/ unaffordable patients. We our team are providing health related drugless therapies like acupressure, physiotherapy, colour therapy, seed therapy, yoga, mudras, meditation, music therapy, magnetic therapy, sound therapy, healing therapies.

NAVACHETHANA WELLNESS FOUNDATION (NWF) helping people with health benefits like

▪️Traditional and wellness therapy
▪️Handicap treatment and care taking
▪️Health services and awareness camp
▪️Alternative and herbal treatment
▪️Ayurveda and panchakarma treatment
▪️Acupuncture and physiotherapy


Navachethana Wellness Foundation (NWF) main motto is to help backward community. Education is very important because education helps people become better citizens, get a better paid job, shows the difference between good and bad. Education shows us the importance of hard work and at the same time helps us grow and develop. Thus we are able to shape a better society to live in by knowing and respecting rights, laws and regulations

Why is education important? Does it need an explanation? A wise person understands and thus the governments all over the world keep taking action for the quality of education.

Starting education is the start of the cycle of positive change and every human life on this planet deserves positivity and skills of growth. Thousands of children in India are deprived from education, vulnerable to school dropouts and far away from self empowerment.

According to the national census 2011, the rate of illiteracy in India is 74.04% and the effects of illiteracy on children is manifold. Unless we stand and take actions to improve the situation, it is not going to change irrespective of the establishment of RTE. In karnataka, many volunteers joined us to contribute to spreading education and helped us to grow and reach the people who are willing to get educated but cannot afford due to multiple reasons. Our core team and volunteers are working to eliminate the barriers and can perceive fully rights to education. Contribute to the most powerful case and donate for spreading education. Not just education but it is the only way of empowering lives.

NWF's objective for providing education

▪️Creating equal opportunities
▪️Introducing empowerment
▪️Preventing child labour